What is testosterone?
The hormone testosterone is created by the human body. It is mostly produced by the testicles in
Testosterone influences a man's physical appearance as well as his sexual development.
It increases sperm production and a man's sexual desire. It also aids in the development of muscular
and bone mass.
Testosterone level in Man
According to the American Urological Association, approximately two out of every ten men over the age of 60 have low testosterone.
In their 70s and 80s, this number rises to 3 out of 10 males. If testosterone levels fall below what they should, men may experience a variety of symptoms.
When testosterone levels fall below 300 nanograms per decilitre (ng/dL), it is known as low T.
Do you know, these days, it has been a common issue among young adult to have low testosterone?
Why younger males should be concerned about low Testosterone?
Having low testosterone (low T) levels is usually considered a problem in older men.
In fact, men over the age of 40 begin experiencing a 3 percent reduction in testosterone levels.
However,younger men can also have lower testosterone levels, which can have a big impact on male fertility and muscle formation.
7 Natural herbs that helps to boost your testosterone naturally
Curculigo orchioides
The current study shows that curculigo orchioides can be used as a safe and novel natural free testosterone booster with broad applications in sports nutrition, muscle building, and exercise pathophysiology.Moringa oleifera
Moringa supplementation may also increase testosterone levels in men with hyperlipidemia, according to new research. Three months of Moringa leaf powder supplementation at 500 mg twice a day increased serum testosterone while decreasing cholesterol levels in men.Asparagus racemosus
Asparagus racemosus or Shatavari improves testosterone levels and works naturally to improve libido, vitality and heighten the erotic sensations experienced by men.Ashwagandha
Ashwagandha is arguably best known as a natural supplement for boosting testosterone. A few studies have looked specifically at this effect, finding that ashwagandha may have real benefits for men affected by testosterone deficiency. In one small study of 57 men, taking 600 mg of ashwagandha extract for 8 weeks increased testosterone levels by nearly 15% when compared to a placebo.Hygrophila auriculata
It can increase the levels of serum testosterone and sperm countAsphaltum
The ability of Asphaltum or shilajit to increase testosterone levels in healthy volunteers was investigated in this study. Shilajit was given to men aged 45 to 55 for 90 days. Researchers discovered significant increases in total testosterone levels at the end of this period.Myristica fragrans
Myristica fragrans or Nutmeg can increase the production of testosterone, which is an important hormone that influences male sexual functions.
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Overview of Blog Post

This is How Testosterone Builds Muscle

Testosterone: What it is and how it affects your health